
Burning HallOWS Productions Banner

Burning HallOWS Productions

Burning Hallows Productions is a broadcasting and media production company founded by Kitty Fields and Allorah Rayne. We specialize in podcast production of spiritual, historical, humanitarian, and educational content. Follow us on FaceBook, Instagram, TikTok and support us on Patreon.

Meet Burning HallOWS Founders

Meet Allorah Rayne

Allorah Rayne is a practitioner of amnestic and wayfaring witchcraft and has been part of the online spiritual community since 2012. Her introduction to tarot was the age of nine and she pursued more intensive learning at fifteen. Allorah is the founder of The Wayfaring Witch © where she offers soul origin profiles, tarot and oracle card readings, digital downloads, workshops, and mentorships in the ways of the witch. She is also the co-founder of The Otherworldly Oracle Official PodcastSpread This, Witches! and Witches in the Woods. You can contact Allorah at the following social media sites Facebook, Instagram, TikTokPinterest, on The Wayfaring Witch © website via live chat, or by e-mail at allorahrayne@gmail.com.

Meet Kitty Fields

Kitty Fields is a Norse Celtic Pagan and Solitary Witch. She can’t quite recall a time when she wasn’t studying and practicing some form of the magical arts, be it reading runes, scrying, lucid dreaming, kitchen witchery, spirit work or trance-writing. She’s written 4 fictional novels including The Cotton Family Series under the pseudonym Nicole Canfield. And written a non-fiction Modern Witchcraft: A No-nonsense Guide to the Craft under the name Otherworldly Oracle. Kitty is the founder of the popular Otherworldly Oracle website where she writes and manages an online magical library of over 500 articles on topics such as ancestor work, fairies, ancient gods and goddesses, hearth witchcraft and much more . She is also the co-founder of The Otherworldly Oracle Official Podcast and Mimir’s Well Podcast. You can contact Kitty at the following social media sites: Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Or email her directly at theotherworldlyoracle@gmail.com.